
【Guitar Karaoke Instrumental】Reflection / Disney【Lower Key】


J-POPや洋楽のカラオケ音源、オリジナルアレンジピアノ伴奏,ギター伴奏カラオケでYouTubeアップしています! カラオケやカバー動画等でご活用ください。


Karaoke soundtracks, original arrangements with piano accompaniment and guitar accompaniment are uploaded on YouTube!
Please use it for karaoke and cover videos.
(see details below).
We are always looking forward to your cover videos. Please let us know when you upload them.

Use of sound sources
We would appreciate it if you could inform us when you use the soundtrack. When uploading, please provide us with the URL of the video or your channel URL and channel registration. We are also looking for requests at any time. Please feel free to contact us.

※2022年4月よりContents IDの管理をULTRA-VYBE, INC. に一任しております。
*As from April 2022, the management of Contents ID has been entrusted to ULTRA-VYBE, INC.